Thursday 30 August 2012

Final Reflection
A focus on technology through a blog has been a definite challenge, although also very enjoyable. The amount that I have learnt about my technological ability as well as the use of technology within my setting has really helped me grasp the concept of WHAT technology is and the ways in which it helps the learning and development of children.
My initial understanding of technology was purely limited to that of the technical kind- knowing what it is but not necessarily how to use it. My ideas were immediately expanded when I read that " is about helping people and solving problems..." (Smorti, 1999). Having to define non-digital technology, observe the children exploring with it, and then analyse the different ways that it aided in a child's learning highlighted the important skills that children learn from technology.
I appreciated the feedback that I got from the other members of my group as I have found that through adapting to my centres environment, I become very closed off from other ideas and experiences. I think that sharing ideas and experiences, and gaining different perspectives have proved very beneficial towards my view of technology, and that of the other members of my group.
Te Whariki (Ministry of Education, 1996) states that "children use a variety of technologies as they explore their world" (p. 98) which is also supported within the New Zealand Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2007) by placing a direct focus on "...technological literacy that will equip them to participate in society as informed citizens and give them access to technology-related careers" (p. 32).
As technology is embedded throughout the curriculum, I now have an understanding to better support the children  in the development of their own understandings.
Reference List
Ministry of Education. (1996). Te whariki: He whariki matauranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media
Ministry of Education. (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media 
Smorti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, 19, 5-10.

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